Moose - German Shorthaired Pointer Photography
Hope and Prince - Wisconsin Pomeranian Photography
You never know what you are going to get with the weather in Wisconsin in spring. My shoot with Hope and Prince fell on a day of off and on showers with the chance of heavy rain later in the evening. Although it was cold, windy and looking like it could rain at any moment we went forward with the shoot. And I'm very glad we did. The overcast sky and wind produced some great pictures. Hope, the brown Pomeranian, was a little shy around the camera but, as you can see by the photo below, eventually came around with a great smile. Prince, the black and white Pomeranian, eventually got bored of barking at me and posed for some nice, windswept images. Minutes after I jumped in the car to head home it started to rain. Thanks Kim for braving the elements and contacting me to photograph Hope and Prince. I love little dogs with big personalities!
Toro and Pleasure - Waukesha Horse and Dog Photography
I learned a few things during this shoot involved Sarah, her peekapoo dog Toro, her pony Pleasure and her yearling nubian goat Flower. First, kids come up with the best ideas for photos and that makes my job a whole lot easier. Second, goat will eat your hair if you let it get to close to their mouth. Third, even though I know next to nothing about horses, I realized they make great subjects and can't wait to do more equine photography. It was hard to take a bad picture of this Welsh / Mustang with great blue eyes. Even though the clouds were a little ominous during the shoot we ended up with some great pictures. I had a blast photographing Sarah and her crew.
Spring Is Here! - Milwaukee Flower Photography
I am by no means a nature photographer however with the great weather over the weekend I couldn't help but drag the camera out to the newly sprouting flowers in our front yard. I didn't touch the color saturation on these photos. They were this bright right out of the camera. If anyone has any "pet" flowers they want photographed let me know!
Gabby - Milwaukee Golden Retriever Photography
Photographing puppies can be difficult. Gabby is a Golden Retriever puppy that definitely had energy however she always managed to sit still just long enough for me to trigger the shutter. I had a blast meeting Gabby and can't wait to see the dog she grows up to be. The word is that she's going to be BIG! I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed taking them.
Honey and Phoebe - Brookfield Dog Photography
March in Wisconsin is unpredictable. We had a week of 60 degree days and then an inch of snow the day before Honey and Phoebe's shoot. Luckily the snow melted in a matter of hours and we had a perfect spring evening at the park. Honey is the tan pit bull and Phoebe is the pug. Honey's life story started pretty bad before finding her forever home with two great dog parents. She is as gentle as can be and was in dog heaven at the park with all the sights and smells. Before I met Phoebe she was described to me as a dog that can make a person smile no matter what mood they are in. After meeting her I would have to agree that this description was right on. Thanks Lisa for contacting me to photograph your family. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
Sasha is a mix of... well, we don't really know what she's a mix of. I guess it really doesn't matter, look at those eyes and freckles! I didn't touch the saturation on these photos at all. The morning had nice warm light and her eyes are just naturally that color. Amazing! As you can probably guess, it was not hard making her look good in photos. Thanks Cindy for letting me shoot Sasha. You can also follow All Ears Pet Photography on Facebook.
Natalie is a 13 week old shepherd/beagle mix that's a 9 pound bundle of energy . She was a rescue from the Milwaukee Humane Society and she's currently learning her puppy manners. For her age she's surprisingly well trained. She sits, shakes paw and comes to her name (when she wants to of course). Thanks Phil and Brad for letting me photograph her. I had a great time and I hope you enjoy the pictures. She was the perfect model.
You can also follow All Ears Pet Photography on Facebook.
Cesar the Pug Photos
Cesar is a 4 year old pug. He is also one of the more spunky pugs I've met. Getting him to remove his nose from the ground (turns out there was a lot to smell) to look up at the camera was a little challenging . This was especially difficult since he didn't seem to be too interested in my all natural dog treats. He did eventually warm up to them though. The weather was great and Cesar was looking good. Thanks Greg and Nicole for a fun shoot, I hope I was able to wear Cesar out for the evening. Enjoy a couple of the pictures from the shoot.
You can also follow All Ears Pet Photography on Facebook.