Welby - Waukesha Dog Photography
Welby is a 13 year old miniature schnauzer who was recently diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Although I was told he started slowing down, you would have never known it for our shoot. Welby chased that frisbee with a bouncy rabbit like run. I had a hard time concentrating as I watched this little guy bounce toward me in the camera's view finder. The photos we got from that day were WELL worth the crazy swarms of mosquitoes. Sadly, this past week I learn that Welby passed away. Welby is one of those dogs who's hard to forget. I'm glad we have some great pictures to remember him by. Thanks Debbie for bringing me out to meet him!
Astro and Cody
Ya, I know it's been a while since the last post. I can't believe it's almost the end of July! Before you know it the leaves will start falling. So if you are thinking about a summer photo shoot for your pet make sure to get your date/time scheduled as soon as possible. I met Astro (dachshund mix) and Cody (beagle mix) at Greenfield Park on an amazing evening. The sun was bright, the weather warm and we had a BLAST running and photographing in the park. Before I met the dogs I got this email from their mom "Just to warn you the little one, Astro, can be a bit of a handful at times". It turned out that Astro, who was 1 year old, was still very much a puppy. He had puppy curiosity and puppy ENERGY! And although we spent a lot of the time running and chasing he did give me a few opportunities to capture some nice candid portraits. I love a challenge!
Cody is 9 and much more mellow than his younger brother. It was pretty hard to take a bad picture of this guy. We got a good mix of portraits and action shots. For 9 years old he keeps up with Astro quite well. Thanks Amanda for introducing me to your boys. I hope you enjoy the photos.
Gabby - Milwaukee Golden Retriever Photography
Photographing puppies can be difficult. Gabby is a Golden Retriever puppy that definitely had energy however she always managed to sit still just long enough for me to trigger the shutter. I had a blast meeting Gabby and can't wait to see the dog she grows up to be. The word is that she's going to be BIG! I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed taking them.
Saydee - Oconomowoc Dog Photography
Saydee is a 12 year old English Sheepdog I had the pleasure of photographing prior to the holidays. The photo shoot was a gift to Saydee's mom so I held off until now to post any pictures (which was difficult because of how much I liked the photos). For the shoot we managed to get some excellent weather after a week of 0 degree days. Saydee was a great model as you can see from the photos below. Thanks Leslie for introducing me to Saydee. I'm looking forward to hearing how the gift went over.
Snow Photo Shoots
Well like it or not it’s that time of year in Wisconsin. The season’s first big snowfall brings a great opportunity for some photos of your pup. If your dog loves the snow, consider booking a photo shoot with them in their element. Snow shoots are a blast for you and your dog. Feel free to contact me with any questions or to schedule a shoot for your pet. The snow is here to stay, might as well enjoy it as much as your dog does with some custom photos.
Pet photo shoots also make great gifts for the animal lovers in your life. Gift certificates are available in any amount. Contact me with questions or to purchase one today.
Stella was the second black lab I had the opportunity to shoot in a week and I'm not complaining. I love labs! She is 7 years old (which I would still consider a puppy in lab years) and was as ball and stick obsessed as one might expect. Even though our photo shoot was technically the 3rd time that day she got to burn off energy (and it was only 10am) she outlasted us all. Summer is a great time to photograph but there is just something about fall with the warm brown colors that you gotta love! Thanks Tony for introducing me to Stella. I hope I was able to help her wear off a little more of that lab energy.
RW Wrinkles
RW Wrinkles is a 3.5 year old black lab. We started with some studio shots. Wrinkles is a lab; he likes balls. So getting him to look at anything but the ball (ya, I just said "the word") was nearly impossible. So I miiiiiiiiiight have digitally added the tennis ball into some of the pictures. You do what you gotta do. We managed to get some good studio shots and then headed outdoors to wear off some energy. Thanks Roxane for letting me shoot Wrinkles and, for the record, I think this will be the best Christmas present ever (but I'm biased)! I hope you enjoy the pictures.
Connor, Jasmine, Meg and Moxie
Well it's been a few weeks since the last posting. September shaped up to be a busy one. I recently got to shoot 3 Golden Retrievers and a Rottweiler Mix with personalities ranging from a little timid to a little crazy and everywhere in between. Multiple dog shoots (especially 4 of them) are a little chaotic. Luckily, with the wide range of personalities in this bunch, I was able to work with each one separately throughout the shoot. Once one got bored with me I'd move on to the next. By the end of the session they had all but forgotten I was there and I managed to get some nice candid shots. Posed shots are great but capturing a dog act as if no one else is around can be priceless. The dogs' parents, Patti and Bob, are actively involved with Wisconsin Adopt a Golden Retriever (WAAGR). All three of their Golden Retrievers are from this organization. In addition, Bob (also know as "The Pet Rescue Realtor") donates a portion of all his proceeds to pet rescue and shelters. I hope you guys enjoy the pictures.
Calendar Contest Votes
Every year the Wisconsin Humane Society has their annual calendar photo contest. One of my photos was chosen as part of the top 13 this year. Voting has begun to determine the calendar's cover picture so we can use all the votes we can get. You can cast your vote for picture #11 here. This picture was from a spring photo shoot I had with a 13 week old puppy named Natalie. She was also a rescue from the Wisconsin Humane Society.
Oh and if you haven't yet voted for All Ears Pet Photography as the #1 pet photographer in the Milwaukee Area WISN's A-List contest is still going on for the next couple of weeks. I'd love your votes. You can vote here. I promise I'll stop asking for votes after this. Unless something else comes up!
End of Summer Photo Sessions
End of Summer PoemThe little songs of summer are all gone today. The little insect instruments are all packed away: The bumblebee's snare drum, the grasshopper's guitar, The katydid's banjo, the cricket's violin, The dragonfly's cello have ceased their merry din. Oh, where is the orchestra? From harpist down to drummer They've all disappeared with the passing of the summer.
~ by Rowena Bennett Poem from A Gypsy Caravan blog
Even though it's not quite the end of summer yet, thankfully, this is a reminder to everyone still interested in booking a summer photo shoot for their pets and/or themselves. I will be booking a very limited number of shoots in October so if you would like to get that portrait session in before fall get's too far underway please contact me. We can arrange a shoot the last week of August or in September. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the summer, I know I will!
I Need Your Votes!
All Ears Pet Photography is competing in www.wisn.com's A-List contest for best Pet Photography. I can use all the votes I can get! Voting is open now at this link or by clicking on the banner below. Even if I haven't photographed your pets (yet) I'd love your vote.
All Ears Pet Photography featured on MacroMutt.com
MacroMutt.com is a site that was created to help connect dog lovers with professional dog photographers in their area. All Ears Pet Photography is the first Milwaukee area pet photographer featured on the site. Their site is great and features some amazing dog photographer talent. MacroMutt is part of Four Legged Media (FLM). FLM is a growing blog network that specializes in dog-centric content designed to strengthen the bond between humans and their canine companions. FLM was founded by Chris Ray in 2008 and includes great sites like Barkability.com, MackenzieSpeaks.com, LickedToys.com, BiblioDog.com and MacroMutt.com. Check them out.
Natalie is a 13 week old shepherd/beagle mix that's a 9 pound bundle of energy . She was a rescue from the Milwaukee Humane Society and she's currently learning her puppy manners. For her age she's surprisingly well trained. She sits, shakes paw and comes to her name (when she wants to of course). Thanks Phil and Brad for letting me photograph her. I had a great time and I hope you enjoy the pictures. She was the perfect model.
You can also follow All Ears Pet Photography on Facebook.
Minooka Dog Park 4/9/09
It was a BEAUTIFUL day at the dog park. The ground wasn't too muddy and the weather was perfect. Chloe got a nice workout as usual. Although I wasn't able to stick around very long I was able to meet some great dog owners and shoot a little dog action. Here are some of the pictures: photos.
Albino Squirrel Sighting!
Well it's not really pet related but I saw my first albino squirrel Tuesday night. I was driving past the Waukesha library (here) when I noticed a furry white critter rummaging around in the grass. I didn't have my camera with me at the time (yes, I have now learned my lesson) so you'll have to take my word for it but I was thoroughly surprised. I know of a few other sightings around Waukesha but I'd love to hear others. Please post comments and pictures about your experience(s). You can bet that I will be keeping an eye out for this little guy/gal in the future and it will be my goal to get photographic evidence.
Custom Baby (or pet) Announcements
Do you have a new family member you want to announce (either furry or not)? If so I wanted to suggest a colleague of mine's business called Fussy Bambino. She does extremely nice, custom baby announcements. So whether it's a new baby or a new puppy, she'll do a one-of-a-kind announcement to suit both you and your baby. Her site is http://fussybambino.com/.
New All Ears Blog
Welcome to the all new All Ears Blog! This is where you will find recent pet photo shoot sneak peaks, pet and photography related ramblings and anything else I find of interest. Visit the rest of the site for examples of some of my dog and cat photos, to find out a little more about me and the process and to find out how you can get your furry family member photographed. I look forward to hearing from you. -Bob