standard poodle

"The General" will be missed!

I was deeply saddened to hear that one of the All Ears Pet Photography family, Hugo (The General), had recently passed on. Hugo was a 16 year old standard poodle I had the pleasure of photographing last fall. We were lucky enough to get a beautiful fall evening for the shoot. Some of Hugo's photos are still personal favorites of mine. We got some photographs that I was told perfectly represent Hugo in the twilight of his life and I couldn't agree more. Although notorious for taking part in the destruction of an oriental rug and a shelf full of bibles & religious books in his early days (I still think he was framed), The General will be greatly missed and I am happy I got the opportunity to photograph this amazing dog. Below are some of the photos from last fall.

Hugo, Adele and Elita

Talk about a perfect evening for photography. For the most part this month has been rainy and cold. However, we caught a break for Hugo, Adele and Elita's shoot. We had blue skies, a comfortable temperature and amazing evening sunlight. Aside from the normal photographic challenges of shooting the two color extremes (white and black dogs) and one high speed squirl chase we got some great shots. Hugo is a 16 year old Standard Poodle known around his home as "The General". Adele (white) and Elita (black) are 3 year old Standard Poodles known as the "Amazing Poodle-ettes". Thanks Christina for contacting me to shoot Hugo, Adele and Elita. I hope you guys enjoy the photos! poodles1poodles2poodles3poodles4poodles5